B. mooreana

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ID 15937
Species CultivarB. mooreana
Form Variety
Author(Irmscher) L.L.Forrest & Hollingsw., Pl. Syst. Evol.
Publication Date2003
Date of Origin
PlaceNew Guinea
CountryNew Guinea
Chr 2n
Plant TypeRhizomatous
Synonyms and CommentsSymbegonia mooreana Irmscher, Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 50:381, pl. 5. 1913;
ReferencePlant Syst. Evol. 241(3-4):208. 2003; JGSL9/08; The Begonian, Nov 1978;
Article ReferencesB71 97
Photo ReferencesThe Begonian, Nov 1978;