B. acerifolia*

See B. vitifolia
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ID 166
DescriptionMemoirs of the New York Botanical Garden. New York: The Garden, 1900- v. 8 1952-1954: Page: 36-40 http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/150964 Loja: flowers white, petals frilled, corolla 3 cm. diameter; when immature the large wing of fruit pink, the smaller wings pale green; petioles and pedicels bright salmon color; leaf-blades concolor, dull green (one plant found with variegated leaves); plant rhizomatous, the rhizomes and often the plant base enlarged and tuberous; in moist shaded places, Nudo de Cajanuma, 7 km. south of Loja, 8,000- 8, 4 00 ft., E-121.
Growth Type
Growth Rate
Plant Habit
Plant Spread
Plant Height
Stem Type
Stem Habit
Other Features
Internodal Distance
Sun Tolerance
Plant Hardiness
Pests Diseases