B. ‘Fenella’

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ID 1736
Description No. 500 - Begonia (B. 'Pink Zulu' X unknown) 'Fenella' Originated by Hazel Burley (address above) in 1973 and first distributed in 1975, the tall cane grows to a mature stem height of 4 feet. The tall, vigorous plant has a very large leaf with unusual coloring. The leaves are shaded green,' vivid rose beneath, angel-wing shaped, 10" x 4", with a waved margin and smooth texture. The petioles, red outstanding beneath nerve; stipules, 1 ½ to 2". Registered August 8, 1975.
Growth Type
Growth Rate
Plant Habit
Plant Spread
Plant HeightTall
Stem Type
Stem Habit
Other Features
Internodal Distance
Sun Tolerance
Plant Hardiness
Pests Diseases