B. ignita

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ID 19399
Species CultivarB. ignita
Form Variety
AuthorC.W.Lin & C.-I Peng, sp. nov.
Publication Date2017
Date of Origin2016
HabitatOnly known from cultivation; likely endemic to Sulawesi. The specific epithet refers to the flame-colored tepals Begonia ignita has entered into cultivation and is grown by various amateur enthusiasts and Begonia collectors inside and outside of Indonesia. The origin of these cultivated plants remains obscure. Enquiries about the species’ origin with several growers indicated that most acquired the plants from material cultivated by other growers. This is also the case for the plants cultivated at Bogor Botanic Gardens on which the description is based. Some growers indicated that a market in Sulawesi was the likely original source of the plants, but they could not provide any additional information on the location of this market (province, city etc.).
Chr 2n
Plant TypeShrub-like
Synonyms and CommentsEtymology: a reference to the flame coloured tepals
ReferenceGard. Bull. Singapore 69 (1); 89-95: Begonia ignita (sect. Petermannia, Begoniaceae), a new species with orange flowers from Sulawesi, Indonesia
C.-W. Lin, D.C. Thomas, W.H. Ardi & C.-I Peng
Article ReferencesBegonia ignita (sect. Petermannia, Begoniaceae), a new species with orange flowers from Sulawesi, Indonesia. C.-W. Lin, Thomas, Ardi & Peng.
Photo References