B. ‘Aime Morot

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ID 19581
DescriptionLa Semaine horticole et revue des cultures colonials, v. 3 (1899) Plantes Nouvelles: In the catalog no. 1 + 3 of the house of V. Lemoine and son of Nancy, we note some new plants which we reproduce with pleasure. We have already, in our journal, said all the good we think of Begonia semperflorens double flowers, we note them for memory and recommend them insistently to the amateurs of which many have already favorably welcomed them. Here are some distinct varieties: Aime Morot. Flowers very full, globose, rose-leaved; the center is constituted by a pompon of petals very like claws, of a bright carmine. Antonin Daum. Foliage of a bronze or blackish green; extra full flowers, crested, shining carmine with a pink center. Emile Friant. Flowers full, semi-imbricated, in corymbs of 8 to 12 flowers, pink muslin. Emile Galle. Flowers full, often monstrous, reaching 6 centimeters in width the umbels have up to twelve flowers at the same time and constitute a peoniform mass of a beautiful soft pink silver Victor Prouve. Plant vigorous and a good holding, full flowers, very compact light pink center bright pink.
Growth Type
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Stem Habit
Other Features
Internodal Distance
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Pests Diseases