B. balangcodiae

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ID 20008
Species CultivarB. balangcodiae
Form Variety
AuthorRubite, S.H.Liu & K.F.Chung, sp.nov.
Publication Date2019
Date of Origin2012
PlaceOn soil slopes in mossy forest
HabitatBarangay Sagubo, Benguet Kapangan,
Luzon, elevation up to 1,200 m
CountryThe Philippines
Chr 2n
Plant TypeShrub-like
Synonyms and CommentsEtymology: named in honour of Professor Teodora D. Balangcod and her family.
ReferencePhytotaxa 407 (1): 005–021, Begonia balangcodiae sp. nov. from northern Luzon, the Philippines and its natural hybrid with B. crispipila, B. × kapangan nothosp. nov.
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