B. bawangensis

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ID 20017
Species CultivarB. bawangensis
Form Variety
AuthorGirm., Randi & M.Hughes, sp. nov.
Publication Date2020
Date of Origin2017
PlaceWest Kalimantan, Bengkayang Regency, Gunung Bawang,
Habitat found in a narrow altitudinal band of around
675–725 m, growing on a wet near-vertical basalt rock seep face, in dipterocarp forest
Chr 2n
Plant TypeShrub-like
Synonyms and CommentsEtymology: After the type locality of Gunung Bawang, a mountain named after its distinctive shape like a bulb of garlic
ReferenceGardens' Bulletin Singapore 72(1): 33–58. 2020. Eleven new records, three new species and an updated checklist of Begonia from Kalimantan, Indonesia
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