B. ‘nigritarum Tagay-tay Ridge

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ID 20260
Leaf AttachmentPetiolate
Leaf ArrangementAlternate
Leaf PetioleLight green to light maroon, 14.8 cm,. sparse short hairs
StipulesSemi-transparent to beige, 12 x 7 mm
Petiole Angle of Attachment
Leaf ShapeOvate
Leaf Size6.9 x 7.7 cm
Leaf or Lobe ApicesAcute
Leaf BaseCordate, sometimes with slightly overlapped lobes
Leaf MarginDenticulate and ciliate
Leaf Texture
Leaf SurfaceDeep green with silver patches and blotches
Leaf Hairs
Leaf Colour
Leaf Venation
Leaf ReversePale green with burgundy tints