B. ‘Great Expectations’

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ID 2114
DescriptionNo. 516 - Begonia (B. 'Joe Blais' X unknown) 'Great Expectations' Originated by Gordon Lepisto (address above) in 1973 and distributed in 1974, the rhizomatous, upright rhizome-type medium rex, spiral, has sericeous texture and sinuate, crested margins. The ovate, oblique leaves, under 6", have light green veins and smooth pink, succulent petioles, under 7". The light green leaves have flushed pink near center and margins with dark grey green, salt and pepper along all veins. The white 1" flowers form clusters of three on the top of a 7" stem above the plant, blooming periodically, throughout the year. Registered September 29, 1975.
Growth Type
Growth Rate
Plant HabitUpright
Plant Spread
Plant Height
Stem TypeUpright
Stem Habit
Other Features
Internodal Distance
Sun Tolerance
Plant Hardiness
Pests Diseases