Record List

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view Name Plant Type Publ’n Date Date of Origin Author or Originator Place Country Cultivar Photo
show this record B. ‘Vaccio's Valida Thick Stem
show this record B. ‘Val d'Andre Tuberous 1909 Vallerand Frères Asnières, Paris France Yes
show this record B. ‘Valencia Cane-like 1986 Asmussen Texas USA Yes Photo Included
show this record B. ‘Valencie Semperflorens 1881 Yes
show this record B. ‘Valentine Cane-like 2001s Yes
show this record B. ‘Valentine Denise Rex Cultorum 1891 Yes
show this record B. ‘Valentine Heart Cane-like 2001s Kagoen Japan Japan Yes
show this record B. ‘Valerie Tuberous Blackmore & Langdon Bath England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Valida 1875 Leutzelburg Yes
show this record B. ‘Valkyrie Tuberous 1893 Ware England England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Vallerandi Tuberous 1896 Vallerand Frères Asnières, Paris France Yes Photo Included
show this record B. ‘Valmont Rhizomatous 2001 Michael J. Kartuz Vista, Ca USA Yes
show this record B. ‘Valrico Rhizomatous 2000 Greg Sytch Florida USA Yes Photo Included
show this record B. ‘Valuntina Shrub-like Yes
show this record B. ‘Van Berg Tuberous 1883 Lemoine France France Yes
show this record B. ‘Van den Hecke Rex Cultorum 1866 Yes
show this record B. ‘Van Dyke Tuberous 1889 Lemoine France France Yes
show this record B. ‘Van Sion 1923 Yes
show this record B. ‘Variegata Semperflorens 2000s Yes Photo Included
show this record B. ‘Varmlandia Cheimantha 1929 Larson Yes
show this record B. ‘Varsovie Rex Cultorum 1883 England UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Vasco de Garma Tuberous 1889 Lemoine France France Yes
show this record B. ‘Vedderi Cane-like 1933 A. D. Robinson California USA Yes Photo Included
show this record B. ‘Vedderina Shrub-like Eva Kenworthy Gray California USA Yes Photo Included
show this record B. ‘Vegas Rhizomatous Bob Cole Reseda, Ca. USA Yes