Record List

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view Name Plant Type Publ’n Date Date of Origin Author or Originator Place Country Cultivar Photo
show this record B. ‘× kapangan Shrub-like 2019 2012 Rubite, S.H.Liu & K.F.Chung, nothosp. nov. Barangay Sagubo, Benguet Kapangan,
The Philippines Yes Photo Included
show this record B. 101 Semperflorens 1949 Leslie Woodriff McKinleyville, Ca USA Yes
show this record B. #1021 Rhizomatous USA Yes
show this record B. 1041 Rhizomatous USA Yes
show this record B. 250 Cane-like 2019 2003 Ross Bolwell Annangrove, NSW. Australia Yes Photo Included
show this record B. 27s Rhizomatous USA Yes Photo Included
show this record B. (27sa x 1332) Rhizomatous 1952 USA Yes Photo Included
show this record B. 2SH 754 Shrub-like 1993 1990 Introduced by Don Miller Malaysia No Photo Included
show this record B. 31957Q Rhizomatous USA Yes Photo Included
show this record B. 324 Tuberous USA Yes
show this record B. 338 Rex Cultorum USA Yes
show this record B. 388 USA Yes
show this record B. #4047 Rex Cultorum Yes
show this record B. 42 S Thick Stem Yes
show this record B. 62 Grand Shrub-like 2003 Brad Thompson Lomita, Ca. USA Yes Photo Included
show this record B. 689 Tuberous USA Yes
show this record B. 931D Tuberous Andrew Lindsay Scotland UK Yes
show this record B. ‘A. Blanc Tuberous 1889 Cannell Woolwich England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘A. C. Grieve Tuberous 1939 1937 Blackmore & Langdon Bath England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘A. D. Davis Rex Cultorum A. D. Robinson California USA Yes
show this record B. ‘A. F. Barron Tuberous 1882 Owen England UK Yes
show this record B. ‘A Feuilles de Vigne Yes
show this record B. ‘A Feuilles Dorees Semperflorens 1892 Yes
show this record B. ‘A Fleur de Campanula Tuberous 1895 Belgium Belgium Yes
show this record B. ‘A Fleur de Chrysantheme Tuberous 1895 Belgium Belgium Yes Photo Included