Record List

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view Name Plant Type Publ’n Date Date of Origin Author or Originator Place Country Cultivar Photo
show this record B. ‘Picotee Tuberous 1890 Davis, B. R. Yeovil England Yes
show this record B. ‘British Flag Tuberous 1897 J. Laing & Sons Forest Hill England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Clio Tuberous 1897 J. Laing & Sons Forest Hill England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Diamond Jubilee Tuberous 1897 J. Laing & Sons Forest Hill England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Dr. Jim Tuberous 1897 J. Laing & Sons Forest Hill England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Mignon Tuberous 1923 Blackmore & Langdon Bath England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Hofgartner Vetter Tuberous 1883 Haage & Schmidt Erfurt Germany Yes Photo Included
show this record B. ‘Laurent Descours Tuberous 1879 J. Laing & Sons Forest Hill England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Baron Leon Leguay Tuberous 1879 J. Laing & Sons Forest Hill England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Alexander Leguin Tuberous 1879 J. Laing & Sons Forest Hill England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Miss May Sutton Tuberous 1906 Blackmore & Langdon Bath England, UK Yes
show this record B. ‘Souvenir de Republique Tuberous 1911 Vallerand Frères Asnières, Paris France Yes
show this record B. ‘Yellow Queen Tuberous 1911 Arthur Billard Le Vésinet France Yes
show this record B. ‘Comtessa Ida de Bryas Tuberous 1911 Arthur Billard Le Vésinet France Yes
show this record B. ‘Incomparable Tuberous 1911 Arthur Billard Le Vésinet France Yes
show this record B. ‘Comtesse de Segur Tuberous 1911 Vallerand Frères Asnières, Paris France Yes
show this record B. ‘Fregoli Tuberous 1911 Vallerand Frères Asnières, Paris France Yes
show this record B. ‘Madame Emilie Alberti Tuberous 1911 Vallerand Frères Asnières, Paris France Yes
show this record B. ‘Madame J. Ferrier Tuberous 1911 Vallerand Frères Asnières, Paris France Yes
show this record B. ‘Madame Max Frensdorf Tuberous 1911 Vallerand Frères Asnières, Paris France Yes
show this record B. ‘Madame Paul Lecolier Tuberous 1911 Arthur Billard Le Vésinet France Yes
show this record B. ‘Madame Pierre Parre Tuberous 1911 Arthur Billard Le Vésinet France Yes
show this record B. (cristata x Papilio) Tuberous 1911 Vallerand Frères Asnières, Paris France Yes
show this record B. ‘A fleurs de Parot Tuberous 1911 Arthur Billard & Vallerand Le Vésinet France Yes
show this record B. ‘Mrs. W. L. Ainslie Tuberous 1911 Arthur Billard & Vallerand Frères France Yes