B. ludicra

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ID 3053
Species CultivarB. ludicra
Form Variety
AuthorA. de Candolle, Ann. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 4.
Publication Date1859
Date of Origin
CountryMexico, Guatemala
Chr 2n28
Plant TypeRhizomatous
Synonyms and CommentsB. liebmannii A. de Candolle, Prodr. 15(1):345. 1864. " liebmanni." —L.B. Smith & B.G. Schubert, Fieldiana: Bot. 24:174. 1961.; B. reptans Liebmann, Vid. Medd. Naturh. F. Kjöbenhavn 1852 :5. 1853, non Bentham. 1840.; B. repens Liebmann ex Hemsley, Biol. Cent. Amer. Bot. 1:497. 1880 non Lamarck. 1785;
ReferenceAnn. Sci. nat., Bot. ser. 4. 11:133. 1859; JGSL9/08;
Article ReferencesTebbitt, Begonias 5:156.(key) 2005;
Photo ReferencesJBS, Begonias :54. 1980; Murotani, Begonia in Colour :118. 1983; The Begonian, Jan-Feb, 2004; Begonias, Misono 1974: 76 (114);